
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The past few weeks, One Way Community has started teaching classes to the kids of San Lorenzo. Usually, the kids would all come to the soccer field for teachings, but because of COVID, OWC isn’t able to make that happen. BUT where there’s a will, there’s a way! We go into the homes of the kids to teach each one individually. Sometimes that’s one kid at a time, or it’s a family of 8! You never really know! (Life here is always an adventure!) 

This past summer, I was a first-grade teacher at my town’s local Boys and Girls Club. I was THRILLED when I heard we would begin teaching for ministry! As I jumped into the first week, I quickly realized that “teaching” looks wayyyyy different than what it did in my first-grade class. For many reasons, one big one being the kids speak Spanish, and I don’t!

As you may or may not know, I LOVE talking with people. My favorite part about teaching this past summer was by far sitting and talking with my students. From the little silly jokes to the big serious talks and everything in between; I loved hearing their stories and getting to know their hearts by what they shared with me. Verbal communication is no doubt a gift the Lord has given me…and a gift that I value very very much! The downfall, since being here, it’s been a tad difficult at times trying to have a conversation with someone when you don`t speak the language very well. I can get around to having a very basic conversation, but anything deeper than “how are you”; I’m lost. Something that the Lord has been teaching me upon arriving in Guatemala, is how to love the people here well, in other ways besides verbal communication. Last week, it became even more serious to me. How is it that I can love these kiddos well, despite the language barrier?

When I’m trying to find understanding in something, I always look to Jesus and the example He gave us. Jesus did command us to, “love, as I have loved you”(John 15:12), so I’ve dived into a few ways Jesus loved people very well,  that’s not just verbally communicating with them. 

My list looks a bit like this:

  • Blessing
  • Serving
  • Having compassion
  • Respecting
  • Honoring
  • Listening 
  • Encouraging
  • Showing humor 
  • Celebrating 

As the week went on, every day I prayed that God would teach me, show me, and use me in big ways to love the community of San Lorenzo to my fullest capability the way Jesus did/does. I began to have super sweet moments with the kiddos and the community as a whole. The Holy Spirit would point little things out in my day-to-day actions that looked like Jesus. Being super honored and humbled by that alone, I also came to the realization that in Jesus’ ministry, He never actually talked that much. 

Every Tuesday and Friday morning we do a “deep dive” with our base elder, Kevin. We’ve been diving into Luke, studying the life/ministry of Jesus. There are multiple events that take place in Luke where Jesus does powerful things, and only says a max of 7 words. 

Luke 5:13 for example. Jesus cleansed a Leper by laying hands on him and saying, “I will; be clean”…4 words!!

When Jesus says “Love as I have loved you” it goes wayyyyyy deeper than just by word. Loving others like Jesus means loving fully, by action, deed, and thought.

I encourage you to ask Jesus how it is you can look more like Him in how you love those around you. Like my story, there are always ways to love deeper and fuller. 


Thanks for reading, amigos!

I Love you 😉