
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey friends! Last week we began a new ministry opportunity! I want to share with you all what it is we’re doing and a little something that I’ve learned in it.  

Every Friday my squad and I get to go out into the streets of Gainesville GA and evangelize to the people we encounter.

Last Friday we went out for the first time to the town square. We partnered up and walked around until we ran into someone we felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to talk to. My friend Kayla and I felt drawn to a man sitting on one of the park benches in front of a bookstore. We went up and introduced ourselves and began having a conversation with him. We talked with him about his life and his story. We were open ears for anything he wanted to talk about. We eventually asked if He knew who Jesus was with which he said yes and shared with us the relationship he has with him. It was a sweet talk and we were able to end it by praying blessings over him as well as healing over his knees (he shared with us that he had a lot of pain in his knees from past injuries). 

We moved on and went into what seemed to be a cute little Christian store. We were planning on talking with the owner about the heart behind the store but unfortunately, she wasn’t available. We continued to talk with an employee of the store, but the conversation really didn’t get far. She let us pray for her but insisted that it be quick. We prayed a fast 45-second prayer and headed back to the vans to leave.

Both Kayla and I left the square feeling a bit discouraged. We both were open to being used and really wanted to see God move through us. When we didn’t have the outcome we were hoping for, it left us feeling discouraged and disappointed.

When I brought this to the Lord, I asked Him to open my eyes to see how He was moving in both situations. He quickly brought to mind the people around us outside of our conversations. In both situations, there were others nearby watching and listening. God reminded me that He is always moving, even in the unseen. When stepping out in obedience, and being open to being used, it’s not always going to look how I expect it to. God is God. He doesn’t work with a formula. He’s God and He works in radical, miraculous, kingdom kind of ways. I might not see it, and that’s okay. We are called to “go and tell” not “go and tell and know”. I can trust that God used Kayla and I without seeing the aftermath of it all… We could have simply been the first step to a staircase that God is still building in someone’s life. Each step is needed, important, and valuable.

As we head out again this afternoon, I’m going out expecting to be used, but not expecting my expectations to be met. This walk with God is me partnering with HIM. It’s a heart posture of “Father, show me what you’re doing, and how is it that I can partner with you?” It’s His story, I’m just a charter in it. 

With that being said, Be praying for my squad as we head out today! Pray for divine appointments, open eyes, and open hearts! I can’t wait to share how God moves today! 

I want to encourage you to walk out this same kind of partnership with God. Ask Him what it is that he’s doing in the midst of you, and how it is that you can partner with Him!

I love you guys, and as always, thank you for the support! <3


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding

Proverbs 3:5


4 responses to “A Partnership With HIM”

  1. Thank you for sharing such a valuable insight … we all would like to “see” the fruits of our path – the follow through of our work/efforts but it is so true that it is not always ours to savor! Keep doing the much needed work ??

  2. Kourtney!!! This is so so so good!!! I’ve loved all that you are learned and stepping into it boldly. One of my favorite lines from this blog is “God reminded me that He is always moving, even in the unseen.” That’s real good Kourt! Keep it up girl! 🙂