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Meet my team…TEAM MAGDALENE!


 I posted a YouTube video where you can meet each of them face to face. We also have a surprise announcement to share with you at the end, so check it out!



On our squads Instagram page, we made superlatives for everyone on Gap C. I thought it’d be fun to share my teams, as well as some other sweet things I’ve learned about them. 


Paige Canova: Squad Mom

Paige is our team leader. She went on the World Race last year! She is confident, bold, wise, and has the heart of a true leader. She loves all things fitness and is extremely good at it! She listens to know and understand, not to just respond. She challenges me, inspires me, and has brought me so much joy. She is very admirable and I am extremely grateful to have her as my leader. 


Hannah Hutchinson: Most likely to open a coffee shop

Hannah carries so much joy in her spirit. She is extremely talented and is so very humble simultaneously. She is steadfast in the Lord and it is very evident in the way she lives. She loves coffee, art, music, and Taekwondo! My favorite thing about her is the heart she has for those around her. 


Kayci Standard: Most likely to live in a van

Kayci loves the Lord and there is no doubt about that. You leave a conversation with her feeling encouraged and loved. She is never shy to use her voice (by singing or sharing her wisdom). She is very generous and will serve before being asked. She’s a health nut, a Christian hippie, and she 100% reminds me of Lauren Daigle!!!  


Marissa Newell: Most likely to find bigfoot

Marissa has become one of my favorite humans. She has the most contagious laugh and is a friend to all. She isn’t afraid to ask hard questions and seeks to grow deeper in Christ more and more every single day. She is never slow to pray and stands strong on the Word of God. She has her own podcast (which is fitting because she has some of the funniest stories) and she’s afraid of nothing but bigfoot. She loves coffee (but only from other people’s mugs…usually mine!), hugs, peanut M&M’s, and babies! 


I love each and every one of these girls so much! They have challenged me, encouraged me, and grown my walk with the Lord big time since meeting them 2 weeks ago. I am so excited to serve and do life alongside them. God completely ordained and united this team together. What a gift these girls are. 

Thank you for reading! Feel free to subscribe to my teammates’ blogs as well! 

Love you, my sweet supporters! 


5 responses to “Meet My Team”

  1. Kourtney, I love these “meet my team” posts! I’ve been praying for all of Squad C, but it sure is helpful to put some pics, characteristics, and personality traits with each of you. Thanks for sharing.
    ~Katie Chandler (Nathan’s Mama)

  2. Hey there, Nathan’s Mom! I’m happy my blog can be of help to you! Thanks for the prayers!

  3. Kourtney, you did such a great job describing each of these beautiful ladies!
    Wr love the theme of the superlatives that some of the teams have used to describe their members. It makes us feel just a little bit closer to each one of you.
    Your coaches